Various types of insurance and benefits


Insurance companies make the insurance grouping policy according to their focus and risk. It provides a measure of uniformity in the risks covered by this type of policy, which in turn allows the insurer to anticipate potential losses and set appropriate premiums. The most common forms of insurance policy types are:

Life insurance 

Life insurance provides financial benefits to the person appointed to the death of the insured. Various forms of life insurance issued. Some provide payments only after the death of the insured, some other insurance company there can allow the insured to claim the funds before his death. 

A person can buy life insurance on his own life for the benefit of a third person. Individuals can even buy life insurance on the lives of others. For example, a wife can buy life insurance that will benefit her after her husband's death. then parents insure themselves against child death. or on the contrary parents buy insurance for their children and generally life insurance offers financial benefits given to the heirs of insurance participants. further explanation will be discussed in the next article

 Health Insurance 

 Health insurance is an insurance product that specifically handles health problems due to an illness and bear care process to its insurance member. Generally includes protecting and covering injury, disability, illness, and accidental death. Health insurance can be purchased for yourself and for others.

 Vehicle insurance 

 The most popular car insurance. namely insurance against injury to another person or against damage to another person's vehicle caused by the insured vehicle. Car insurance may also pay for loss, or damage, of the insured motor vehicle. Most countries require that all drivers or vehicle owners have this insurance usually all losses and damage due to accidents are paid by the insurance company, but also depends on the insurance company's policy. sometimes they bear only part of their causative loss in cases of terrible accidents, or where medical expenses or remedies exceed the amount set by law.

 Insurance of home and property ownership 

 Homeowners' insurance protects homeowners from damages related to their residence, personal property insurance protects against loss, or damage, certain personal property. This includes protecting and providing relief in the event of an accident in your home such as fire and so forth.

 Education insurance. 

 This is one of the most popular types of insurance today. education insurance is a smart solution to ensure a better life. for example, parents who insure children's education. the premium fee to be paid by the participant insurance depends on the type of education you want to get later.

Bisnis Insurance

This Insurance is a protection service against the damage, loss, or loss of a large amount that may occur in one's business. This insurance provides replacement of damage caused by fire, explosion, earthquake, lightning, flood, hurricane, rain, crash, until riot. Insurance companies typically offer a variety of benefits from business insurance such as protection of employees as business assets, investment and business protection, total life insurance to all employees, to health insurance coverage packages for employees.

General Insurance

general insurance is a protection against risks for loss or loss of benefits and legal liability to third parties. This general insurance coverage is short-term (usually about one year). General insurance can be classified into several types, including:

a) Social Insurance (Social Security).

This type of insurance is an insurance that must be owned by every person or resident with the purpose of every person has a guarantee of old age. Premium payments are made by force, for example by cutting a person's salary every month.

b) Voluntary Insurance (Voluntary Insurance)

This insurance is run voluntarily. This type of voluntary insurance can still be divided into two classifications: Government Insurance and Commercial Insurance. Government insurance is an insurance that is run by the government, while commercial insurance is an insurance intended to provide protection to a person or family and company of the risks that may arise due to unexpected events.

Credit Insurance

Credit insurance is a protection against the risk of failure of debtors to pay off credit facilities or cash loans such as working capital, trade credit, and others. Relation closely with banking services, especially in the field of credit. Credit is a loan in the form of money provided by banks and Financial Institutions as lenders to their clients. Credit insurance aims to protect banks or other financial institutions from the possibility of not recovering loans lent to customers and help provide guidance and credit security. Credit insurance managers in Indonesia entrusted the government to PT. Credit Insurance Indonesia.

Marine insurance

This type of insurance is special in the field of marine whose function ensures the carrier and the owner of the cargo. Risks that may occur so that the formation of this insurance is cargo damage, damage to the ship, and injure passengers. Marine insurance or naval insurance is a good risk transfer for yourself as well as your luggage using sea transport services. This insurance involves the use of shipping services in the delivery of goods. Several factors affecting marine freight insurance premiums are goods insured, packing of goods, insured risk, transportation, and travel.

 In addition there is also 

Business Insurance can guarantee against damage, loss and large losses in accordance with the policy. The fire insurance policy covers damages caused by fire, explosion, earthquake, lightning, water, wind, rain, collisions, and riots. General Insurance protects the insured against various losses, including those related to legal liability, theft, accident, property damage, injury and injury to workers, as well as credit insurance to others. Credit insurance that protects and regulates borrowing and borrowing processes and issues in making certain types of credit

 For Marine Affairs there is also a marine insurance policy ensuring the carrier and cargo owner sent through ocean oceans, or waterways that are on the ground. Marine risks include cargo damage, boat damage, and injury to passengers.

Travel insurance provides life insurance benefits to a named recipient if the insured dies as a result of a designated flight flight Many other types of insurance are also issued. such as Group health insurance usually offered by an industry to all their employees. that is some of the types of insurance normally provided but One can buy additional insurance to cover losses that exceed the stated amount or more of the coverage provided by certain insurance policies and of course the premium to be paid even greater. That's all kinds of insurance and its benefits may be useful.

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