How easy is it to find a company with the best health insurance that suits your family needs. The response was amazing.
From here, I came to realize that many problems people face when choosing health insurance. This is not a user-friendly product like gadgets, without the need to read the book manual, overnight live can. This is an insurance product that features and provisions are complex.
I want everyone to choose an insurance product that benefits its needs. Not because of the choice of the agent or persuasion of a friend, but because it was his choice on the basis of understanding what his needs.
But, for that, they must know how to choose good.
The findings in the field I summarize, reflect back, and discuss with friends in insurance, then the point I pour in the seven tips how to choose the health insurance below.
1. Ask When Healthy
Our awareness that the importance of insurance when sick and treated. However, it is unlikely that insurance companies will accept health insurance applications if a person has suffered from a disease.
In the health insurance known as the provision of 'pre-exisiting condition'. Disease conditions that already exist before you become a health insurance customer. These existing illnesses are generally not covered by insurance. Although, in certain circumstances it could be insurance companies will bear it.
The point is simple, ask yourself to insurance, when healthy. When it hurt, it is very likely that the insurance refused your application.
Working law in insurance is a law of possibilities. From every policy issued there is the possibility of a healthy customer, there is the possibility of sick customers. Where will the customer, sick or not, nobody knows. Hence, insurance companies can operate and profit.
If the customer received is sick, insurance would be a loss because the cost of the hospital is greater than the policy premium. So insurance companies do not want to accept customers who have suffered illness. They are profit institutions, not social institutions.
So, if you feel the need for health insurance, submit it now. Do not delay. The sooner, the better because the less likely it is to have a disease, the more likely it is approved.
2. Ask Young Ages
Growing age, is the risk of illness or death getting higher? Of course, yes. It's a law of nature.
Insurance companies calculate health insurance premiums based on the law. Despite the healthy conditions, older people pay more expensive premiums than younger ones. Age determines the premium rate.
Therefore, submit insurance as early as possible. First, you save on paying health insurance premiums are cheaper. Second, the risk has been exposed to smaller diseases when young, so the possibility of acceptable insurance is greater.
Unfortunately, I see many friends who are young and have enough income (to pay premiums) are reluctant to take out insurance. The reason, feel healthy and see insurance as a cost. Do not consider the benefits of insurance something tangible, which can be seen and enjoyed (gadgets are tangible). This is certainly wrong thinking.
3. Do not Cash Plan
Cash-plan is a type of insurance with benefits based on how long hospitalized. For example treated 10 days, the insurance replace 1 million times 10 days, ie 10 million. Without seeing how much the actual bill is.
Whereas, a good health insurance is a reimbursement based on the bill - the cost of care in the hospital. There are room charges, doctor fees, drug fees, lab fees, operating costs, specialist fees and so on - each of which has its own ceiling. So with this scheme, it is less likely to have overplafond that requires us to spend their own pocket to pay additional costs that are not covered by insurance.
This illustrates how different health insurance benefits are compared to cash plans.
The cash plan looks cheap with lower premiums. But if we count well, comparing the premium versus the benefits, the cash plan becomes expensive.
So cash plan should not be taken? May be taken. But, you must have a health insurance first to replace based on the details of the hospital's cost of care. Cash plan should be an additional protection, for example to replace the lost income (eg entrepreneurs) because they can not work during hospitalization at the hospital.
4. Terms of Hospitalization
Do not think that anytime hospitalized I can make a claim to the insurance. In fact not.
There are conditions. The insurer sets out the rules regarding hospitalization, as follows:
Hospitalization should be done at the hospital. This means that if the hospitalization in the clinic, the insurance will not replace it. Make sure with the insurer, what is a hospital. How long hospitalization becomes a requirement. There is a set of 1 day hospitalization can be claimed, but there is a requirement that at least 2 days of hospitalization. There are only in the ER (no need to enter the room first) for a minimum of several hours, it can be claimed for admission into the category of hospitalization. These requirements should be considered when evaluating insurance quotes. Ask the agent about the provision of this hospitalization.
5. Family Insurance
For those who are married, health insurance must be for more than one person. For example, if someone proposes three family members - parents and children.
The question is, is it necessary to buy some policies for each member, or simply buy one policy for all family members? What is the difference?
Buy one policy is cheaper than buying several policies for one family.
This is because health insurance, especially in unit-linked, is a rider (additional insurance) from the main insurance is life insurance. By purchasing a separate policy, that means all family members have to buy life insurance. While it is possible, not all family members need life insurance (eg only the main breadwinner who needs, child or wife / husband does not need).
Therefore, you are better looking for health insurance that can bear one policy for one family. Does It Exist? There is.
6. Double - Claim
With the government's initiative to launch a national health insurance program, almost everyone now has health insurance. Even so, many are not satisfied with the health facility and want to buy additional health insurance.
On the other hand, the hospital only issued one original receipt. If so, threatened claims can not be made against additional insurance. How can I take another insurance if so?
It should not happen if the insurer receives a double-claim. That means one of the health insurance party is willing to accept the legalized receipt (not necessarily the original receipt) to pay the claim. This makes the double-claim process workable.
Although currently only have one insurance, you should anticipate that there is always the possibility of having another health insurance. Therefore, select an insurance that can accept double - claim.
7. Pure Insurance
I once read an observer Mutual Fund wrote in his column that he was 'forced' to choose unit-link health insurance because there was no pure health insurance. In fact, he already has an investment in Mutual Funds.
In unit link there is a portion of investment, so this observer who bought unit link health insurance is actually doing waste because he already has an investment in Mutual Fund. Better money is used to increase his investment in Mutual Funds.
I'm not saying do not buy unit link. Not at all. Buy a product that suits your needs, that's my message.
That is, if you already have an investment, for example in Mutual funds, gold, property, why need to buy insurance products that have elements of investment. Better to buy pure health insurance products that have no investment element.
Pure health insurance premiums are cheaper than unit link health insurance. Or if the premium is the same, the benefits are greater in pure health insurance.
The message is clear. Buy products to suit your needs. If it does not have an investment, buying unit link health insurance is one thing that can be done.
Insurance is not a user-friendly product like a mobile phone or tab. Moreover, health insurance. Understanding the product is quite complex and many of its disclaimer. Unfortunately, many do not want to read the policy and learn to understand the definition of health insurance options. As a result, the choice is often less precise (expensive premiums, small benefits and so on), which ends up in vain complaints when inpatient claims are not replaced as expected.